I believe we can have a revolution in education if we can connect with one another and reimagine schooling with one another. In this way, it is a revolution. It is changing the status quo. It is coming together to make a change. And we can only do this by connecting with one another and working hard to show what is possible. But this can be accelerated of innovation is incentivized and we create means for the proliferation of schools serving our youth far better.
That is the revolution. Coming together to inspire one another, and work together to empower one another. That’s what I am trying to do.
A Call to Action
The first Call to Action is “to get it in the know.” Become familiar with the other educators, schools, organizations, and networks out there who are moving the needle and creating new schools, programs, and learning environments that are making a difference for youth, families, and their communities with an eye on youth agency and possibility.
I highlight many of them here, in the book, and have many of them as guests on my podcasts.
It’s good to know who is doing what and to keep abreast of those who are creating “images of possibility.”
Second, is to connect with others who are pushing the needle and who wish to push the needle. Affiliations, connections, and more than anything else, relationships with others working in this space of the revolution can be incredibly helpful in giving you inspiration and also assisting and supporting you in your own efforts to transform how we think of teaching, learning, and schooling.
Finally, it is important to get in touch with what YOU want to do and how YOU want to make a difference in the lives of others. There are many ways to do that. As an educator working directly with youth. As a school, district, or community leader facilitating the activity of others who more directly impact youth and those working with youth. And as a political or social agent of change, inspiring others, creating opportunity for others, creating space and support for new endeavors. BE a change agent. Which means harnessing resources and relationships to mobilize change. And one way to do this is to connect yourself with others who can support you in your efforts, and look to others as models of how you too can be the difference in the world you want to be.